Professional Immigration Services is a Christchurch immigration advisor business offering high quality, professional immigration services to clients all across New Zealand and the world. No matter where you live, Professional Immigration Services makes remote communication easy by diligently answering your NZ immigration queries over the phone, through emails, WhatsApp, text messages, and video calls. Whichever method of communication suits you best, our Christchurch immigration advisor is happy to accommodate it in order to bring you a truly professional immigration advisor experience and affordable, professional immigration services when you need them.
Need an Experienced Christchurch Immigration Advisor?
Based in Christchurch city, Professional Immigration Services provides top quality, reliable advice in relation to New Zealand visa applications and other New Zealand immigration matters. Equipped with in-depth industry knowledge and experience, Evelyn Dyer is a Licensed Immigration Adviser who has special expertise in a range of complex immigration law issues. She is renowned for her caring attitude towards clients, fast response times and high level of personalised service. If you're looking for a Christchurch immigration advisor who takes the time to listen to you and understand your whole situation, Evelyn is the adviser for you.
Need some guidance? Professional Immigration Services offers obligation-free initial assessments* to help clients better understand their situation and prospects. Whether you've received a concern letter from Immigration New Zealand or just need help planning your future, Professional Immigration Services will facilitate your needs and help get you to where you need to be. Simply see our Services page for a list of the professional immigration services that we offer or contact our Christchurch immigration advisor to find out how we can help you.
*Note: Free assessments are offered over the phone or email only. In-person consultations can be arranged at a cost of $80 for 1 hour.
Unlike other areas of law, the immigration industry in New Zealand is fast-moving and dynamic. Sometimes, policy changes are introduced quite literally overnight, so we are constantly updating our knowledge and clarifying grey areas with Immigration New Zealand's technical advisors and management team. Our Christchurch immigration advisor is dedicated to consistently providing exceptional immigration advice to our overseas and New Zealand clients, and to ensuring that we are always in the best position to advise clients on how relevant New Zealand immigration policy and instructions will be interpreted by immigration officers. If you're interested in keeping up to date with New Zealand immigration law and policy changes, keep an eye on our Blog page for the latest in NZ immigration news, tips and articles.